GROW Resource Page

We want to be a resource for you in your commitment to the way of Jesus. There is no doubt that this page will evolve over time as we grow and are able to really stretch our legs as a community. Below you will find some resources that we highly recommend.

Deeper Dive

If you missed Sunday’s message, you can get caught up here. Take advantage of the Deeper Dive questions down below. Make an effort to process what we talked about on Sunday with someone else in order to keep the conversation going. Want to see Deeper Dive questions from prior sermons? They are all logged on our app. To download the app, SMS “emmauschurchapp” to 833-722-7273.

To get back to our faith, we can take simple steps like reading the Bible, praying, or coming to church. The simplest step TOWARD God can be all you need. He will meet you in your pain and help you take the next steps. What is the next step you need to take toward God?

Devotional Life

A lot can happen in 24hrs. Good, bad, and everything in-between. In light of that, we have found that it is absolutely essential to have a regular time to come back to center, to catch our breath, to direct our attention to God and reorient ourselves around what matters most. It goes by a lot of names-quiet time, daily devotional, centering…call it what you want, just know it matters. Here are a few wonderful resources that can bring some order to your “whatever you call it.”

Lectio 365-

The Bible Recap-The Bible Kneecap

Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

The Bookstore

The word Christian only shows up three times in the Bible and it wasn’t first used as a compliment. The first followers of Jesus didn’t call themselves Christian. They called themselves something else that shows up nearly 300 times in the scriptures. The word is disciple. Disciple means student or apprentice. A disciple is first and foremost a learner-one who stays curious. Below you will find some recommended reading for our current series and for each of our Common Practices, which you can learn more about here.


Big Picture: A Slow Walk Through the Sermon on the Mount

The Divine Conspiracy-Dallas Willard

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Matthew for Everyone Part One-N.T. Wright

Jesus’ Plan for a New World-Richard Rohr


The Sermon on the Mount-Amy-Jill Levine

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Open-Handed Conviction

Searching for Sunday-Rachael Held Evans

Simply Christian-N.T. Wright

The Sin of Certainty-Peter Enns

How the Bible Actually Works-Peter Enns

Jesus-A Pilgrimage-James Martin, SJ

Mere Christianity-C.S. Lewis

What We Talk About When We Talk About God-Rob Bell

Letters From A Skeptic-Greg Boyd

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Wholehearted Living

The Celebration of Discipline-Richard Foster

The Spirit of the Disciplines-Dallas Willard

Invitation to Silence and Solitude-Ruth Haley Barton

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry-John Mark Comer

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The Road Back to You-Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabil

The Path Between Us-Suzanne Stabil

Daring Greatly-Brene Brown

Let Your Life Speak-Parker Palmer

Life Together-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Boundaries-Henry Cloud, John Townsend

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Wide-Eye Participation

Red Letter Christianity-Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo

Jesus Wants to Save Christians-Rob Bell

How to Be Here-Rob Bell


A Million Miles In a Thousand Years-Donald Miller

Half the Sky-Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof

Untamed-Alan Hirsch

Interrupted-Jen Hatmaker

Change the World-Mike Slaughter

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Racism and Equality

Be the Bridge-Latasha Morrison

I’m Still Here-Austin Channing Brown

The Color of Compromise-Jemar Tisby

Just Mercy-Bryan Stevenson

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Politics and Nationalism

Thou Shall Not Be a Jerk-Eugene Cho

The Myth of A Christian Nation-Greg Boyd

Resources for Parents

Parent Que

Doing Good Together

Parenting with Love and Logic-Foster Cline